Practice Areas


Weiss Advocacia‘s civil practice is multidisciplinary, in legal advice and consulting, in which it meets the needs of clients from all economic segments, through a team of lawyers with extensive experience in the market.

We can highlight our performance in contract analyses, notifications, several precautionary measures, civil liability, in damage repair actions, rental actions, collection actions, enforcement actions, writs of mandamus, permit applications, consumer actions, in the scope of property rights with possession actions, such as repossession, maintenance and interdict prohibitory and petitions, such as usucaption lawsuits, in the scope of family law, with actions of recognition, dissolution of stable unions, divorces in the judicial or extrajudicial spheres, actions of alimony, guardianship, interdiction, guardianship, curatorship, visitation regulation, investigation and denial of paternity, in the inheritance aspect the actions of inventory, wills, in the judicial or extrajudicial sphere.